This is a specialized exam that I do in a soundproof cabin in my doctor's office.It enables me to diagnose presbycusis, to quantify the percentage of hearing loss and to assess the severity.
We get a curve that drops when there are high frequencies.
This examination enables us to prepare a long term global therapeutic strategy.


Medical treatment of deafness.

Many treatments are proposed against the aging of the ear but their efficiency is relative.

The hearing aid.
The law of January 3rd, 1967 and the article L510.1 of the code of public health state that a prosthesis can only be issued after a medical examination and subsequent prescription by a doctor. In other words it is the audiologist's decision.
In view of this law if I prescribe a prosthesis the choice of the type of prosthesis depends on several factors which are independent of my jurisdiction.

Indeed the audioprothesiste will have to carry out further examinations to find the best solution to obtain the best solution and make the patient comfortable.

The hearing aid can be monaural;  We fit the better ear or binaural which gives a stereo sound and thus better understanding.

The prosthesis can be intra auricular for low hearing loss and is surely more esthetic than one that is on the contour of the ear which is for patients with greater hearing loss.

The cost of these prostheses may seem high for certain patients but in view of service rendered they will not regret it.